Do you have a musculoskeletal injury or pain condition? Do you suffer from persistent / chronic pain as a result of:
This week, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) changed the scheduling of medicines containing codeine – meaning you will now need a prescription from a GP to buy them.
This change is likely to impact thousands of Australians who use codeine to help manage acute or chronic pain associated with common painful conditions including arthritis, nerve pain, fibromyalgia and low back pain.
Changing codeine to a prescription only drug means patients living with pain or musculoskeletal injuries will be encouraged to seek alternate pain management treatments such as exercise, physiotherapy and mind/body modalities.
Through the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), GPs have also been encouraged to advise patients presenting with these conditions to seek physiotherapy specialist care in the first instance.
Having suffered from chronic pain for the better part of his 20’s due to a myriad of nervous system and musculoskeletal conditions, our Founder Matt Stanlake can personally vouch for the fact that long term opioid therapy was not the answer for his chronic persistent pain conditions.
After years of unsuccessful medication, hospital interventions and surgeries, ultimately it was a multi-pronged approach that proved the most effective.
He worked off a 10% rule with his pain:
“The key is to find a great coach (Physio, Doctor, Exercise Physiologist etc) and work through your pain with them to ensure you get a great long-term, positive outcome.” – Says Stanlake.
Although pills can seem like the magic silver bullet, Matt found that it was not until he addressed all of the factors above, at the same time with a health professional, that significant shift occurred in his conditions and pain levels.
Read our full blog release relating to the recent codeine changes HERE:
Book your GAP-FREE 45 minute Physiotherapy appointment by following the instructions on the top right (desktop) or below (on mobile).
If you want to learn more about your pain and the science behind our theories, please watch this video from the world leader in pain science, Lorimer Mosely:
GAP FREE 45 minute initial Physiotherapy PAIN assessment – SAVE $110
At Upwell, our Physiotherapists have been trained in the treatment of chronic pain. Physiotherapists are one of the most highly trained and most equipped health professionals to deal with complex pain conditions and injuries.
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