
Chronic Pain Treatment in 2024

Physio & Running in Camberwell, Melbourne.

Chronic Pain Treatment in 2024

Upwell’s ‘Whole-Person Care’™

Welcome to Relief: Your Journey Begins Here

Welcome to a place where healing goes beyond the physical, where care is crafted just for you, and where your journey to wellness is our mission. At Upwell, nestled in the heart of Camberwell, we understand that chronic pain is more than just a symptom; it’s a personal experience that affects every part of your life. That’s why our approach to physiotherapy is different. It’s holistic, compassionate, and deeply effective. So, whether you’re battling back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or sciatica, you’ve come to the right place.

The Upwell Difference: Whole Person Care

At Upwell, we don’t just treat the pain; we treat the person. This is the cornerstone of our practice. Chronic pain physiotherapy at Upwell isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. We dive deep into understanding your unique experiences, your body’s specific needs, and the complex interplay between your musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Here’s how we tailor our care to you:

      • Musculoskeletal System: Our physiotherapy techniques are designed to alleviate pain and improve function. From manual therapy that eases joint restrictions to targeted exercises that strengthen your body, we address conditions like back pain and arthritis at their source.
      • Nervous System: Chronic pain often involves the nervous system. Our treatments aim to reduce pain signals, improve neural function, and teach your body new patterns of movement. It’s about resetting your pain threshold and reclaiming your comfort.
      • Conditioning (The Energy Plant): We know that chronic pain can leave you feeling drained. That’s why conditioning is a key part of our approach. By improving your body’s energy plant, we help you gain the stamina needed to engage in daily activities and enjoy a fuller life.

Lining Up the Ducks: Our Strategy for Success

Success in treating chronic pain comes from aligning all aspects of care. At Upwell, we synchronize our treatments to ensure that every part of your plan is working together towards the same goal: your well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures the best possible outcomes, making your journey to relief smoother and more effective.

Real Stories, Real Success

Don’t just take our word for it. Here are three stories from clients who found hope and healing at Upwell:

      • Anthony’s Journey Back from Back Pain: “After years of living with chronic back pain, I thought I’d tried everything. Upwell’s personalized approach changed everything for me. Their expertise, compassion, and innovative treatments have given me my life back.”
      • Emile’s Escape from Fibromyalgia Fog: “Fibromyalgia made every day a struggle. Upwell’s whole-person care, focusing on my nervous system and energy levels, has been a game-changer. I feel like myself again, and I can’t thank the team enough.”
      • Alex Conquers Arthritis: “Arthritis had slowed me down, but Upwell’s targeted physiotherapy and conditioning strategies have improved my mobility and reduced my pain significantly. I’m doing activities I hadn’t imagined possible.”

Chronic Pain FAQs

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is pain that persists for longer than three months, often despite medication or treatment. It can result from a variety of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and sciatica. Unlike acute pain, which is a normal sensation triggered in the nervous system to alert you to possible injury, chronic pain is persistent and can continue even after the injury has healed.

How Does Physiotherapy Help with Chronic Pain?

Physiotherapy helps manage chronic pain by improving strength, flexibility, and function. It involves a range of treatments, including manual therapy, exercise, and pain relief strategies, tailored to individual needs. Physiotherapy can also teach pain management techniques to help patients reduce their reliance on medications and improve their quality of life.

What Can I Expect During My First Visit to Upwell for Chronic Pain?

During your first visit, a physiotherapist will conduct a comprehensive assessment to understand your pain and its impact on your life. This includes discussing your medical history, current medications, and any treatments you’ve tried. We’ll also perform a physical examination to identify any musculoskeletal or neurological factors contributing to your pain. Based on this assessment, we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan.

How Long Does It Take to See Results from Physiotherapy?

The time it takes to see results from physiotherapy can vary depending on the individual and the nature of their chronic pain. Some patients may notice improvements within a few sessions, while others may take longer. Consistency and adherence to the treatment plan are key to achieving the best outcomes.

Can Physiotherapy Cure My Chronic Pain?

While physiotherapy may not cure chronic pain for everyone, it can significantly reduce pain levels and improve quality of life. The goal of physiotherapy is to help you manage your pain effectively, increase your functional abilities, and provide you with the tools to maintain these improvements long-term.

Is Physiotherapy Painful?

Physiotherapy should not cause undue pain. However, it’s normal to experience some discomfort as you start using muscles and joints that may not have been active for some time. Your physiotherapist will work with you to ensure treatments are within your comfort levels and will adjust your plan as needed.

How Can I Prepare for Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain?

Preparing for physiotherapy involves coming with an open mind and being ready to actively participate in your treatment plan. It’s helpful to wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement. Additionally, keeping a pain diary that tracks your pain levels, triggers, and any activities that worsen or improve your pain can be invaluable in tailoring your treatment.

Will I Need to Do Exercises at Home?

Yes, most physiotherapy treatment plans include exercises to be performed at home. These exercises complement your in-clinic treatments and are crucial for making continuous progress. Your physiotherapist will provide clear instructions and demonstrations to ensure you can perform these exercises safely and effectively.

How Does Upwell’s Whole Person Care Approach Benefit Me?

Upwell’s whole person care approach benefits you by addressing not just the physical symptoms of chronic pain but also the psychological, emotional, and social factors that contribute to it. This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your well-being are considered, leading to more comprehensive and sustainable outcomes.

Can Lifestyle Changes Help with Chronic Pain?

Absolutely. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, reducing stress, and improving sleep, can all contribute to better management of chronic pain. Your Upwell care team can provide guidance on making these changes in a way that complements your physiotherapy treatment.

Expanded Chronic Pain FAQs: Neuroscience and Sympathetic Nervous System

How Does the Neuroscience of Chronic Pain Work?

The neuroscience of chronic pain involves complex processes within the nervous system. When you’re injured, pain receptors in the affected area send signals through the nerves to the brain, signaling that something is wrong. In chronic pain, this signaling pathway becomes altered or sensitized. The brain continues to receive pain signals even after the original injury has healed, due to changes in the neural network. This can be due to a variety of factors, including the body’s pain memory, increased sensitivity of the nerves, and changes in how the brain processes pain signals.

What Role Does the Sympathetic Nervous System Play in Chronic Pain?

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. In chronic pain, the SNS can become overactive, which can exacerbate pain and lead to a cycle of pain and stress. This overactivity can increase muscle tension, reduce blood flow to certain areas, and enhance pain sensitivity. Essentially, an overactive SNS keeps the body in a constant state of alert, making it harder for the pain to subside.

How Does Chronic Pain Affect the Brain?

Chronic pain can lead to changes in the brain, particularly in areas responsible for processing pain, emotion, and stress. These changes can include alterations in brain structure, function, and the way the brain communicates with the rest of the body. For example, prolonged pain can decrease the size of the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain involved in pain perception and emotional regulation, leading to increased pain sensitivity and emotional distress.

How Does Upwell’s “Whole-Person Care” Address Sympathetic Nervous System Dominance?

Upwell’s “Whole-Person Care” approach addresses sympathetic nervous system dominance by incorporating treatments that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and normalize the body’s response to pain. This includes techniques like mindfulness-based stress reduction, breathing exercises, and gentle physical therapy aimed at calming the nervous system. By reducing the dominance of the sympathetic nervous system, we can help decrease pain sensitivity, improve physical function, and enhance overall well-being.

What Strategies Does Upwell Use to Target the Pain System, Which Acts as a Threat System?

Upwell targets the pain system, or the body’s threat system, by using a combination of physical and psychological therapies designed to retrain the brain’s response to pain. This includes:

      • Education on Pain Neuroscience: Helping patients understand how chronic pain affects their body and mind can demystify pain and reduce its threat.
      • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This helps in changing the negative thought patterns associated with chronic pain.
      • Graded Motor Imagery and Mirror Therapy: These are used to retrain the brain and reduce pain by gradually increasing exposure to pain-free movements and visual feedback.
      • Sensory Re-education: This involves retraining the nervous system to process sensory inputs more normally, reducing hypersensitivity.

Can Upwell’s Approach Reverse the Changes in the Brain Caused by Chronic Pain?

Upwell’s holistic approach can lead to significant improvements in how the brain processes pain, using the power of Neural Plasticity. By combining physical therapy with strategies aimed at reducing the dominance of the sympathetic nervous system and retraining the brain’s response to pain, we can often reduce or eliminate pain, improve function, and even facilitate neuroplasticity—where the brain adapts or forms new connections in response to injury and the chronic pain recovery processes.

How Important Is Patient Participation in Addressing Sympathetic Nervous System Dominance?

Patient participation is crucial in addressing sympathetic nervous system dominance. Active engagement in therapies, practicing relaxation techniques, and applying learned strategies outside of therapy sessions are key to managing chronic pain effectively. The more a patient is involved in their care, the better the outcomes tend to be, as they learn to modulate their own nervous system’s response to pain.

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